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10 Tips For The Wow Effect

Is The Sale Of Your House Or Property Stressing You Out?

Lots Of Things To Think About And You Forget The Important?

Do You Want To Sell Your Property At The Best Price, Maximize Your Gain, Under The Best Conditions, As Soon As Possible?

Without having to go through the preparation of your property for photos and visits, manage everything until the date of signing the deed of sale, fulfill contracts and conditions while following and respecting deadlines.

To do this, you need a good real estate broker who takes charge of this entire transaction, during all its stages and who will be able to advise, guide and assist you.

To sell at a better price and conditions, sellers must cause the WOW effect in buyers to fall in love and feel at home, which will lead to a beautiful presentation of the offer.

Before the visits, your real estate broker will give you a list full of tips for preparing the premises and helping you to properly showcase your “Home Staging” property.


1- Stand out and draw attention to the strengths and best features of your home.

Although a house is the jewel and the rare pearl for its owner, but for a great real estate transaction that will be fruitful, you have to know how to stand out and draw attention to the tips and advice given by your broker in order to obtain the best price and the conditions of sale that we want.

We must take into consideration that in this transaction, our real estate is the product that we are trying to sell, having to maximize our earnings and do a good marketing.

You have to have a subjective opinion and see how to highlight our product to be able to attract the most people to request a visit and then present us with their best offer.

2- Making a good first impression pays off.

How can a salesperson make a good impression? What are the expectations of a buyer client vis-à-vis our property? How to make our property the rare piece on the current real estate market? How to get more visit requests from potential buyers? How to create in the buyer the ultimate interest to pay the best price?

Your real estate broker will give you all the answers to all these questions to help you make that first good impression to attract and create that great need and that motivation among potential buyers. You will have the chance to give a single good impression on the buyer.

So don’t miss this chance and call me JAD SAWAYA your residential and commercial real estate broker.

3- You have to clean up before listing your house on the market.

Before taking the professional photos, even if it is not the beginning of spring or winter for the big cleaning, you must clean your property well to be able to take beautiful photos and give a good impression of your house or apartment. For some people it seems trivial to talk about cleanliness and cleaning but believe me in the real estate market you will find all kinds of special cases. So let’s be ready to welcome people to our house and be up to it to show that your house is truly unique in the current real estate market. Cleaning carpets, curtains, dusting all furniture, cleaning windows and walls, bathrooms and toilets, garages and basements, we must never even forget to clean the exterior of our house. It is also part of our property, for example the garden, lawn, jacuzzi, swimming pool, balconies, shed, patio, terraces, parking lots, crawl spaces, wells or septic tanks if applicable and exterior walls of the house. Walk around the house and don’t forget a single spot. People will try to find the only negative point to point it out. So let’s not give them that chance; Let’s have the perfect house.

4- Check the exterior of your home.

Many people forget that the garden is part of our house, our property.

Whether it’s the front of our house, the roof and also the garden or the backyard (or balcony for an apartment or condo).

The first impression begins with the general view of the house from the outside even before entering. So we must never forget to cut the grass and do the maintenance if we have it and remove the weeds to show that our house is not abandoned to nature, with some flower pots and clean the entrance well with the part of the parking lot, remove the debris from the gutters also to not forget. Remove dead leaves if it is autumn.

Check the outlets of the gutters and see if they are clear of the house so as not to have an infiltration problem.

In winter, you must never forget to clear the entrances to the house on both sides, in front and the rear exit to our gardens also to give visitors the chance to go around the house avoiding any risk of accident.

5- Declutter and remove all superfluous:

The least you can do for the image to be beautiful is that it be clean, well lit and not cluttered otherwise it will not show that our house has space.

During the visit, the buying customers must move around the house without having to push boxes or walk in zigzag between the boxes or large sets. Let’s never forget that visitors can also bring their children with them, who can sometimes cause damage, so it is better to prevent and make as much space as possible to be able to move around easily.

We must also take into consideration people with reduced mobility, we must mention in the description of the property by writing the descriptive sheet and advise them if our property is practical for them or not.

Each person is unique and has a personal taste, but if your decor is bulky and takes up space, you have to ensure that all customers can visit in comfort and their visuals are clear and soothing. Let it be as neutral as possible without having to empty our property either.

Example of decluttering: dishes on the kitchen floor with coffee machines and other accessories or toasters…. Family photos and souvenirs (as little as possible), house keys with car keys or other entrance keys, perfumes, jewellery, watches and personal accessories on bedside tables or chests of drawers in bedrooms. bedtime, clothes tidy in the wardrobes and personal accessories in the bathrooms and toilets (make-up box, perfumes, etc.).

An exhaustive list or checklist will be sent to you before the photos are taken and the visits by your real estate broker to help you not to forget an important detail and to be well prepared.

The broker will surely be present during the photo shoot to check if there are things to remove (do a good “Home Staging”) and to be sure that you will have the best photos. In addition, during the visits the presence of the broker will be necessary to properly prepare the property and receive visitors or potential buyers, in order to maximize their interests.

6- Create a nice atmosphere and let in the fresh air.

The ambience helps visitors feel welcome. This means that the buying client must feel good and that he is always in his comfort zone. We must create the right atmosphere for him to project himself into this property. Each house has a unique smell, it is the smell of our perfume, our cooking and our daily habits.

This smell must always be pleasant for visitors, so never cook a fish dish, for example, during visiting days and try to neutralize strong smells, especially if you have animals or smoke inside too.

A subtle scent, a scented candle but not too much with fresh air lets people focus more on the house and not trying to figure out what spices you used the night before.

7- Check the lighting… don’t forget to open the curtains.

Nothing better than a well-lit home. Surely the photographer can play with the brightness but the image must remain as close as possible to reality, so as not to shock the buying customers when he returns home. We must always remember that most of the time in Quebec we live indoors, especially in winter. So people are looking if our property is well lit and sunny and how is it positioned in relation to sunrise and sunset. This is an asset especially if you live in the city center where the buildings hide the sunlight from us most of the day.

Check that all the light bulbs work and light well, especially in the basement, and avoid broken or burnt lamps.

Properties that are well lit are the most attractive

8- Carry out small repairs:

It sounds weird but a lot of people who aren’t very handy sometimes leave a little dripping faucet or a loose molding or a broken wall smashed in by a kid trying to score a goal, or practice being a better painter … but for a buyer the details make the big difference.

If we are not skilled in repairing them ourselves, we can organize ourselves to settle the small injuries or defects in our property to show a good image and thus avoid negative comments.

When we talk about repairs we must also not forget our exterior as well as cleaning the gutters and repairing them if they are in poor condition. Check both the garage door and the driveway slabs.

Prune trees and plants, keep trees away from foundation walls. Check the plaster, the joints of the walls or bricks, the joints of the windows and repair the micro cracks or seal the openings.

9- Pets, take them for a walk during the visit:

Although animals are members of the family, there are people who have phobias of cats or dogs or whatever. Do not also forget the allergies that can complicate the life of our visitors and create an unpleasant experience for them. We don’t want to take the risk of losing a potential buyer because of the cat coming to greet him when one of the customers with a strong allergy stops the visit. Do not forget also to clean and hide the personal belongings of these animals to declutter such as cat litter or their plates

10- Avoid loud music during visits.

Music is a personal taste, like food and perfume smells. So do not suffer an auditory aggression to our potential customers. Soft music can give a nice ambiance in the house and helps to give comfort of mind.

In the end, here are some small ideas or things to do or avoid with our 10 tips, but that is surely not all. It’s still just a summary.

A good real estate broker can help you do all of this and more.

You now have a small part of our services, if you want to discover even more do not hesitate to contact me and I would be happy to discuss it.

Hand in hand, we will make a great team to maximize the sale of your property.

I am committed to selling your property in the best time, conditions and certainly at the best price.

Your Property is unique and so are our services.



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