Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

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commonly asked
questions about my real
estate services

Frequently Asked Questions from Buyers:

What charges should I expect at the time of purchase?

When purchasing a property, you can anticipate various charges, including:

  • Downpayment: The initial payment made towards the purchase.
  • Inspector’s fees: Costs associated with hiring a professional inspector.
  • Notary fees: Expenses for legal documentation and transfer of ownership.
  • Adjustment and distribution of municipal and school taxes: Expenses related to tax adjustments during the transaction.
  • Transfer duty (welcome tax): A tax imposed by the municipality upon property transfer.
  • Cost of moving: Expenses incurred for the process of moving your belongings.
  • Miscellaneous costs: Additional expenses that may arise during the purchase.
How much does your service cost for buyers?

My service is completely free for buyers. I am committed to providing exceptional assistance without any cost to you.

It is a promise or legal guarantee, from the seller to the buyer, that the property sold contains no defects and is free from defects, existing at the time of the sale, which would make it unfit for the use for which it was intended. intended for it or which would so diminish its usefulness that the buyer would not have bought it, or would not have offered the same price if he had known of them. However, the seller does not guarantee the defect known to the buyer or the defect that a prudent and diligent buyer could have observed.

What is a hidden defect?
  • It must exist before the sale
  • It must be invisible to a simple examination
  • It must be so serious that it affects the price of the property or the buyer’s decision
  • It must be unknown to the buyer at the time of the sale

It is therefore important for a buyer to always have the building he is planning to buy inspected by a competent expert.

Note that the seller is responsible for the hidden defect even if he was unaware of its existence at the time of the sale.

  • Seek the help of a real estate broker to help you represent, protect, promote and defend his interests in your efforts.
  • Carry out an extensive building inspection in order to identify any defect and make any hidden defect an apparent defect.
  • Negotiate the selling price downwards
3 signs it's time for you to…. TO RELOCATE
  • Your family has grown
  • You would rather itch than renovate
  • You spend more time in your car than at home

You can no longer take care of your home

What are the charges at the time of purchase?
  • Downpayment
  • Inspector’s fees
  • Notary fees
  • Adjustment and distribution of municipal and school taxes
  • Transfer duty (welcome tax)
  • Cost of moving
  • Miscellaneous costs
What are the annual charges?
  • Mortgage.
  • Municipal tax.
  • School tax.
  • Condo fees, contingency fees and self-insurance fees.
  • Home Insurance.
  • Other landscaping charges for garden and maintenance.
  • Utility connection fees

Frequently Asked Questions from Sellers:

What are your fees for selling a property?

I offer a free evaluation of your property, and during this process, I will discuss the commissions involved. We aim to ensure transparency and find the best arrangement that meets your needs.

How can I sell my property quickly? What strategies should I consider?

To increase your chances of selling your property quickly, I recommend the following strategies:

  • Price it right: Set a competitive and realistic price for your property.
  • Repair small defects: Address minor repairs or maintenance issues to enhance the overall appeal.
  • Obtain professional estimates: Seek professional assessments to determine the necessary repairs or renovation costs.
  • Promote the neighborhood’s potential: Highlight the positive aspects and prospects of the area.
  • Assistance with planning: We can provide guidance and support to help you plan and prepare for the selling process.
  • Utilize the services of a real estate broker: Our experienced brokers will effectively market your property, reaching potential buyers and maximizing exposure.
5 mistakes to avoid when selling your property
  • Selling… at the wrong time and at the wrong price (mispriced).
  • Missing his photo shoot and not neutralizing his property.
  • Leave imperfections.
  • Not preparing legal documents.
  • Selling without a Real Estate Broker.
How to put all the chances on your side to sell your property quickly?
  • Sell at the right price
  • Repair all small defects
  • Have the work estimated by professionals
  • Promote the future of your neighborhood
  • Help to plan
  • Use the services of a real estate broker to promote and properly market your property.
How to reassure buyers about the work to be done?
  • Request quotes from professionals.
  • Take this amount into consideration when setting the selling price.
  • Provide buyers with your estimate research and reports
How to do home staging?
  • Clean up and tidy up
  • Fix blemishes
  • Depersonalize
  • Redecorate
  • Ensure efficient lighting
  • Give a defined function to each part.